The Google Driverless Car
Driverless cars are here already... sort of

Much of the autonomous technology used in Google's
self-driving cars is already found on the road.You may have seen commercials
advertising the Volkswagen Polo's automatic braking or the Ford Focus' automatic
parallel parking, which both build on the increasingly common use of proximity
sensors to aid parking.
Combine these sensors with the automated-steering
technology used for parking, throw in the seemingly old-hat technology that is
cruise control and you have the loose framework for a self-driving car.
How many sensors does the
car have, and what do they do?
Google’s driverless car has eight sensors.
The most noticeable is the rotating roof-top Lidar – a
camera that uses an array of 32 or 64 lasers to measure the distance to objects
to build up a 3D map at a range of 200m, letting the car "see"
The car also sports another set of “eyes”, a standard
camera that points through the windscreen. This also looks for nearby hazards -
such as pedestrians, cyclists and other motorists – and reads road signs and
detects traffic lights.
Speaking of other motorists, bumper-mounted radar, which
is already used in intelligent cruise control, keeps track of vehicles in front
of and behind the car.
Externally, the car has a rear-mounted aerial that
receives geolocation information from GPS satellites, and an ultrasonic sensor
on one of the rear wheels that monitors the car’s movements.
Internally, the car has altimeters, gyroscopes and a
tachometer (a rev counter) to give finer measurements on the car’s position.
These combine to give the car the highly accurate data needed to operate
How Google’s driverless car
No single sensor is responsible for making Google's
self-driving car work. GPS data, for example, is not accurate enough to keep
the car on the road, let alone in the correct lane. Instead, the driverless car
uses data from all eight sensors, interpreted by Google's software, to keep you
safe and get you from A to B.
The data that Google's software receives is used to
accurately identify other road users and their behaviour patterns, plus
commonly used highway signals.
For example, the Google car can successfully identify a
bike and understand that if the cyclist extends an arm, they intend to make a
manoeuvre. The car then knows to slow down and give the bike enough space to
operate safely.
How Google's self-driving cars
are tested
Google’s self-driving vehicles – of which it has at least
ten – are currently being tested on private tracks and, since 2010, public
The car always has two people inside: a qualified driver
with an unblemished record sits in the driver’s seat, to take control of the
car by either turning the wheel or pressing the brake, while a Google engineer
sits in the passenger seat to monitor the behaviour of the software.
Four US states have passed laws allowing driverless cars
on the road, and Google has taken full advantage, testing its car on motorways
and suburban streets.
Steve Mahan, a California resident who is blind, was
involved in a showcase test drive, which saw the car chauffeur him from his
house around town, including a visit to a drive-through restaurant.
However, it’s not quite a case of telling your car where
you want to go, sitting back and relaxing.
"Any test begins by sending out a driver in a
conventionally driven car to map the route and road conditions," Google
software engineer Sebastian Thrun explained in a blog post. "By mapping
features such as lane markers and traffic signs, the software in the car
becomes familiar with the environment and its characteristics in advance."
Are driverless cars safe?
This is one of the questions that continues to pop up in
the driverless car debate: is it safe to hand over control of a vehicle to a
Supporters of self-driving car technologies are quick to
point to statistics that highlight how unsafe the roads are at the hands of
non-autonomous cars – in 2013, 1,730 people were killed as a result of car
accidents in the UK alone, and a further 185,540 people were injured, according
to the Office for National Statistics.
The worldwide figures are just as scary, with road deaths
claiming 1.2 million lives last year. Google claims that more than 90% of these
fatalities were due to human error.
In April, Google announced that its driverless cars had
covered over 700,000 miles (1.12 million kilometres) without a recorded
accident caused by one of its vehicles - one was hit from behind, but the other
driver was at fault.
While this is an incredibly small figure compared with
how many miles UK motorists cover in a year – in 2010, car insurance company
Admiral suggested the number could be near 267 billion miles – the fact that
autonomous Google cars are still accident-free remains encouraging.
The project team has equipped a number of different types
of cars with the self-driving equipment, including the Toyota Prius, Audi TT,
and Lexus RX450h, Google has also developed their own custom vehicle, which is
assembled by Roush Enterprises and uses equipment from Bosch, ZF Lenksysteme,
LG, and Continental.
Google's robotic cars have about $150,000 in equipment
including a $70,000 LIDAR system. The range finder mounted on the top is a
Velodyne 64-beam laser. This laser allows the vehicle to generate a detailed 3D
map of its environment. The car then takes these generated maps and combines
them with high-resolution maps of the world, producing different types of data
models that allow it to drive itself.
As of June 2014, the system works with a very high
definition inch-precision map of the area the vehicle is expected to use,
including how high the traffic lights are; in addition to on-board systems,
some computation is performed on remote computer farms.